Golden Radiator Awards 2017 Nominees
VIDEOS NOMINATED FOR THE Golden Radiator Awards 2017

Jury’s comments: What a powerful video! Our heroes are never too far away from us. They give us strength, hope, peace and the drive to strive for the best. One thing this video did a really good job of was showing the kid as a kid. The children are dependent on their parents/guardians. Effective humanitarian crisis imagery.
A very good campaign. Taking a social media trope and doing something different with it. Offers some stats, some context. Blatant reminder of the different worlds children live in. And these could invite compassion from them and their parents to help. It’s also educative in a way.
Jury’s comments: This video skews away from the typical depiction of poverty. Really interesting approach--building in the criticism of poverty porn videos to the actual content. Being able to follow a train of thought makes viewers think more about what they're seeing. We think it's quite a creative approach.
Jury’s comments: A touching video. The camera technique was quite interesting and made the video seem less "produced" and more personal. We liked how it showed her journey from getting out of sexual slavery and healing overtime. It shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. All of the messy healing process. It's quite human. It's nice to see this in a development video, although it’s unclear if it’s actors or genuine people affected by the issue.
Radi-Aid - Africa For Norway
Material and award is made by:
SAIH - The Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund
+47 984 73 665
With funding from:
The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Video production:
iKind Media
South Africa